5 Benefits of Working Out That Have Nothing to do With Losing Weight!


Cardigan / Amazon Workout Set / Sneakers

New year, new me right?! It’s that time of the year again when everyone has a New Year resolution. For most people the number one reason someone joins a gym is for weight loss; but one thing we can all agree on is that the body receives so many more benefits from exercise than just looking a certain way. I’m sharing a 5 reasons to help motivate you to finally start your fitness journey. 


1. Better sleep- Daily exercise will help promote a regular sleep cycle and allow your body to repair while you rest.


2. Strength- Who doesn’t want to look toned and fit?! Building stronger muscles will help boost your heart health, improves your posture, and keep injuries at bay.  


3. Energy Levels- I love to start my day with a workout and it makes such a difference in my mood. Research has shown that low-to-moderate-intensity exercise for just 20 minutes a day, three days a week can help improve fatigue and boost energy levels.


4. Self-esteem- Nothing feels as good as crushing a tough workout, especially when you aren’t in the mood or weren’t feel 100% when you first walked in. Plus when you feel good, you look good!

5. Reduces stress- We all know that a good workout floods our system with feel-good endorphins. Which means you will feel more upbeat,  happier, and less stressed or anxious after a workout.